
La Finestra is...

The Cooperative “La Finestra” was born in Sogliano al Rubicone in 1999, working mainly with young people and children, in compliance with precise values, such as the centrality of the person, respect for diversity, solidarity among workers members, ethics, respect for the natural and human environment; from August of 2004 the transformation of the cooperative in the mixed category (A and B), allowed us to develop other tasks with the ability to promote the employment of disadvantaged people.

The social object of the cooperative which its operation is based on: the management of kindergartens, supplementary services and support in schools and social institutions, welfare to the disabled, childrens and families in need, ensuring care, surveillance and mental and physicl safeguard. We also organize cultural activities, recreational and welfare in favor of the physically or mentally handicapped and their families as well as people with other types of disadvantage. Organize and manage (also in collaboration with other bodies) support services and hospitality, entertainment and assistance to people in need or at social risk. We promote the formation of our members and workers; carry out awareness raising and animation of the local community; carry out activities to promote the commitment of the institutions in favor of the weak and disadvantaged, and of affirmation of their rights.

La Finestra has educational, cultural, welfare and recreation purposes.

To design and implement activities, around 100 people work and collaborate with us in various capacities; they are aged between 25 and 60 years and they are working members, employees and collaborators with qualifications appropriate to the task assigned, in line with regulations; their education, their experience, their commitment and the passions that animate them give “life” to our reality cooperative, which annually grows and develops.

Operators are required high motivation, which is also expressed through social skills, availability, flexibility, adaptability, appetite improving the service and the ability to work together as a team.

For us being an Onlus Cooperative means to be a reality that, in principle and constitution, put the individual at the heart of its activities; it means the possibility that persons belonging to the protected categories can get dignity by entering in the world of work; It means to be a cooperative that facilitates the recruitment of mature age people who, otherwise, would have real difficulty finding employment.

Our standards and our principles

The style of work

Our actions are aimed to:

  • Put the person and his dignity at the center of every action;
  • Offer quality services to the person, especially against those who are in a state of psychological social and economic discomfort;
  • Respect all forms of diversity;
  • Operate in the educational field always based on projects;
  • Satisfy the customers by responding to their needs;
  • Collaborate with social networks of the territory;
  • Collaborate with all the organizations of the territory.

Organizational choices

The management of the cooperative aims to ensure:

  • Respect of employment contracts;
  • The aid to ensure the achievement of the efficiency of the operators;
  • The continuous training of workers in every sector to make services more adherent to the needs of users or different contexts;
  • The supervision of the work in order to recognize and better manage the various problems that may be encountered;
  • The management, administrative, organizational transparency and proper;
  • The Shared responsibility.

Door of listening and dialogue

The cooperative has also opened, in October 2011, a “Door of Listening and Dialogue” run by a psychologist and free for all employees. This door is aimed to preventing the well-being and in particular the health of employees; it’s available to address working, personal and family issues.

The cooperative operates in the provinces of Forlì-Cesena and Rimini

Belonging to a territory means sharing the needs, problems, resources, and this requires, from our part, constant care of relations with the other actors who operates with social purposes whitin our territory.

The social cooperative La Finestra has therefore created a network of collaboration with various bodies (local, regional and national authorities), associations and private organizations.

La Finestra operates mainly within the “own” territory, the Municipality of Sogliano al Rubicone, confirming a tight membership to a geographical, cultural, relational, economic and social context, of which is also an expression.

La Finestra is in agreement with

The University of Bologna: activation of Apprenticeships experiences and internships, Faculty of Economics and Science Education.

The University of Urbino, activation of Apprenticeships experiences and internships, Department of Education and Psychology

La Finestra adheres at

Mosaic Consortium

The mosaic consortium combines, since 2008, an integrated of 11 institutions that make up a network rooted in the Rimini area with the aim of offering quality services to the persons, especially against those who are in distress.


Confcooperative is an representative body of cooperatives.

Coop La Finestra


Cooperativa Sociale

Via Vignola, 1
47030 - Sogliano al Rubicone (FC)
Tel/Fax: 0541 948036
Email: info@cooplafinestra.it
P.IVA: 02687630406


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